Table of contents

  1. Setting up Appledore
  2. Building Example
  3. Running Tests

1. Setting Up Appledore for Development

1.1 Fork the Repository

First, create a fork of the Appledore repository:

  1. Go to the Appledore GitHub repository.
  2. Click the Fork button at the top right and create your own fork.

For more details on forking a repository, check GitHub’s documentation.

1.2 Clone Your Fork

Once you’ve forked the repository, clone it to your local machine:

git clone
cd Appledore

Alternatively, you can download it as a ZIP file if you prefer. Learn more about working with forks here.

1.3 Create a New Branch

Always work on a separate branch when making changes. Use the following naming conventions:

  • For bug fixes:
    git checkout -b fix/your-fix-name
  • For new features:
    git checkout -b feat/your-feature-name

This ensures clarity and organization in your contributions.

Note: Before pushing your changes, ensure that your current branch is up to date with the main branch of the Appledore repository. Save your work, then run git pull origin upstream to fetch the latest changes from the main repository and avoid any conflicts.

1.4 Push your changes

Push the changes to your fork and open a pull request.

git pull origin name-of-your-branch

2. Building Examples

Now that you’ve set up the repository, it’s time to build and run some examples.

2.1 Navigate to the Examples Directory

cd examples

2.2 Create a Build Directory

To keep the build files organized, create a build folder and move into it:

mkdir build && cd build

2.3 Generate Build Files Using CMake

cmake ..

2.4 Compile the Examples

Use make to compile the examples:


2.5 Run the Examples

Once compiled, you can execute the example programs as needed.

Cleaning Up

If you need to remove the compiled example executables, use the following command:

make clean

This will remove all generated binary files while keeping the build system intact.

3. Running Tests

Before contributing, it’s essential to run the tests and ensure all tests pass successfully.

3.1 Running Tests for GraphMatrix.hpp

Navigate to the tests directory:

cd tests

Compile the Test Suite

To run tests for GraphMatrix.hpp, compile the test_suite.cpp file:

g++ test_suite.cpp -o test_suite

Running Specific Tests

Once compiled, you can specify which component to test. For example, to run tests for GraphMatrix, use:

./test_suite graph-matrix

Here, the graph-matrix flag indicates the component under test.

Always ensure all tests pass before submitting your contributions.